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Cataract FAQ

What is Cataract? How does it form?

Cataract refers to the clouding and hardening of natural crystalline lens. Cataract occurs mainly as part of aging process. Eye injuries, systemic disease and long-term use of some medications like steroid may also cause cataract. Development of cataract can cause deterioration of quality of vision, affecting the normal daily life

Do I have Cataract?

The most common sign of cataract is blurred vision, other signs include:

• Colours appear dull, particular green and blue
• Double images
• Halo effect around bright light
• Deteriorated night vision, especially night driving
• Change spectacle prescriptions frequently

What is the surgery procedure of Phacoemulsification for Cataract surgery?

Surgical procedure can be applied to remove cloudy lens and replace with an implanted artificial lens. The latest Phacoemulsification Procedure creates an incision as small as 2 mm, as compared with the traditional technique which creates a 10 to 12 mm incision. The new procedure is much safer and results in quicker recovery.

Why the visiion of some patients becomes blurry after doing the Cataract surgery? Is there any treatment to cure it?

After a period of time following cataract surgery, some people may need a simple laser procedure to clear up cloudiness within a membrane (posterior capsule) that is the back surface of the eye's original natural lens. The intraocular lens is positioned on top of this membrane, which is purposely left in place during cataract surgery.

Why some patients need to wear glasses after Cataract Surgery?

You may still need to use glasses or contacts sometimes after cataract treatment surgery, especially if you choose a monofocal IOL. You may also need to practice focusing at various distances for the first few weeks or months to reach your best vision-especially if you choose monovision or accommodative IOLs. If you are extremely nearsighted or have astigmatism, you may need additional procedures to help you reach your best vision.

Is Cataract Surgery safe?

As with any surgery, cataract surgery poses risks, such as infection and bleeding.  Cataract surgery slightly increases your risk of retinal detachment. Other eye disorders,  such as high myopia (nearsightedness), can further increase your risk of retinal detachment after cataract surgery. One sign of a retinal detachment is a sudden  increase in flashes or floaters. Overall, studies show that 95% of  standard IOL recipients have their vision fully restored to its pre- cataract state.

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